Multinational software company, SAP announced on Tuesday, 27 August 2019, that there are five social enterprises that will benefit from its 2019 Social Sabbatical to be held in Ethiopia between September and October. According to SAP, the Social Sabbatical programme takes highly-skilled SAP employees from around the world and connects them with resource-constrained social enterprises and non-profit organisations.
This year’s programme hopes to see a diverse group of employees provide different skills and business expertise, to help the organisations solve concrete business problems and support businesses growth.
1. Timret Lehiwot Ethiopia – supports marginalised and hard-to-reach children by providing economic, environmental and social services
2. Whiz Kids Workshop – helps children improve their holistic learning competence by enriching their lives through educational media
3. OmniTech Consulting – provides design thinking and entrepreneurship training to increase the problem-solving skills of kids, especially girls
4. Ellilta Women at Risk (EWAR) – helps women enslaved in sex trafficking to escape to a new life
5. VitaBite Nutrition – provides nutritional information to parents and NGOs with the aim of supporting the first one thousand days of a child’s development.