Microblogging website Twitter is expected to take the wrappings off of its new music discovery service today, where users can sign in at https://music.twitter.com/, according to AllThingsD. It has been reported that the app will help Twitter users discover new music, in the same vain as MySpace, Pandora and Rdio.

At the moment, when users follow the link, they will be asked to sign in and authorise access to the music app – but it then reverts back to the main page with no further details.
In what seems to be a strategic business move, Twitter also confirmed yesterday that they have successfully acquired We Are Hunted, a music startup that tracks the most popular songs across the Internet.
“While we are shutting down wearehunted.com, we will continue to create services that will delight you, as part of the Twitter team. There’s no question that Twitter and music go well together. Artists turn to Twitter first to connect with fans, and people share and discover new songs and albums every day. We can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on at Twitter,” the company said in a statement.
According to Engadget, “Soundcloud, iTunes and Vevo will apparently do the heavy lifting when it comes to music and video playback, though the app won’t be a digital music store.”
Users will not be able to download new music, only see suggestions of bands and artists, which will then presumably filter through the mentioned music services.
Charlie Fripp – Consumer Tech editor