Discover the ultimate online shopping experience with Avo SuperShop. Shop conveniently, earn rewards, and enjoy secure payments with this top-rated app.
Shop Smartly: Explore a wide range of products and brands in Avo’s extensive online store. From electronics and fashion to home essentials and groceries, find everything you need in one place.
Question from potential clients
People have been asking whether Avo is for everyone or exclusively for Nedbank clients. What IT News Africa- ITNA wanted to explore is the security measures in place for clients who are transacting and shopping on the app.
We conducted an exclusive interview with Vishal Maharaj from Nedbank’s Avo division to gain clarity on this matter.
ITNA: Is the Avo app. for Nedbank clients only or not and why?
Maharaj: Avo is open to all. Avo creates value for Nedbank in terms of attracting new to bank customers through attractive offers on the platform with multiple finance options as well as driving deeper cross sell and retention opportunities for existing Nedbank customers which is executed via further preferential pricing for loyal Nedbank customers that are members of the Greenbacks loyalty program.
ITNA: What is the security feature in tracing back the redeemed voucher used by the unintended recipient? Can you trace the individual, e- mail and cellphone number in question (one that redeemed the voucher not intended for him/ her)?
Maharaj: Every customer that redeems a voucher needs to sign in/register with either their email or mobile and before they can utilise their voucher, they need to authenticate themselves. The email or mobile number is verified out of band via a uniquely generated OTP and this is how we can trace back who has redeemed a voucher.