Samsung Electronics has revealed the discontinuation of the Galaxy Note 7. This comes after numerous reports from users of overheating batteries and the device catching fire. Shortly after the reports Samsung recalled the Note 7 and issued out replacement units. Samsung further developed a software update on the Note 7 to help owners distinguish whether or not their device is due for a recall.
According to The Electronic Times Samsung Electronics has decided to permanently discontinue the production of the Note 7 because they believe that it will be difficult to sell Galaxy Note 7s again. Samsung has reinforced their concern for the safety of its customers. “However because we consider our consumers’ safety first, we have decided to stop selling and producing Galaxy Note 7s from now on.” This indicates that it will not produce any more Galaxy Note 7s”, said Samsung.
The Electronic Times reports that the decision to discontinue the Note 7 comes before authorities could conclude the investigation on the Galaxy Note 7. A spokesperson at Samsung Electronics said, “We adjusted amount of supplies to reinforce management of quality of our products and to make detailed investigations due to recent ignition incidences regarding Galaxy Note 7s.” said Samsung Electronics through an inquiry notice on the 11th. “However because we consider our consumers’ safety first, we have decided to stop selling and producing Galaxy Note 7s from now on.” This indicates that it will not produce any more Galaxy Note 7s.
Although more than 10 million Galaxy Note series were sold since first Galaxy Note was released.. The South Korean company predicted that operating profit in fourth quarter will drop and that it would be difficult for Samsung Electronics to sell more than 400 million phones by end of this year.
Samsung is committed to keeping a good reputation and their clientele. “Recovering consumers’ credibility is the most important thing and Samsung Electronics needs to make swift follow-up actions.” said a representative for telecommunication industry. “Samsung Electronics needs to use this as an opportunity to develop products with higher level of perfection.”
Social media reaction:
Members of the public flocked to social media to air their opinions:
Huawei and Lenovo salivate at Samsung phone fail, says @mak_robyn #SamsungNote7 #SamsungGalaxyNote7 #China #mobile
— ReutersBreakingviews (@Breakingviews) October 12, 2016
#SamsungGalaxyNote7 recall due to fire concerns.
— Tom Stiglich (@TStig822) October 11, 2016
Samsung are clearly trying to diversify into bomb making. Apple driven them to madness ?? #SamsungGalaxyNote7
— Highly Spiritual (@monaco_francs) October 11, 2016
The guys over at #Apple on hearing the news about the #SamsungGalaxyNote7 #Note7 #Samsung #GalaxyNote7
— Lord James (@LordFawlty) October 11, 2016
If you have #SamsungGalaxyNote7 , Keep Fire extinguisher with you for safety….@SamsungMobile
— Pawan Singh ?? (@iampawan94) October 1, 2016
#SamsungGalaxyNote7 stops production & urges customers to turn off and stop using the devices over safety concerns:
— IPMG © (@IPMG_) October 11, 2016
THEY MOCKED @Apple WHEN THEY LAUNCHED IT#Note7 #SamsungNote7 #Samsung #GalaxyNote7 #SamsungGalaxyNote7
— AFSAL (@RealAFSAL) October 12, 2016
BREAKING: #Samsung are releasing a hybrid Galaxy Smart Phone/Washing Machine #SamsungGalaxyNote7
— Radelaide Rob (@RadelaideRob) October 11, 2016
Staff Writer