Consumer electronics manufacturer LG Electronics (LG) has unveiled its remote maintenance services for Optimus smartphone users as a way of diagnosing software problems and distributing software upgrades direct to customers’ phones.
According to George Mudhune, Regional Marketing manager LG Electronics East and Central Africa, the LG remote customer care services has a pre-loaded Remote Call application and the LG FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air) system, which is available to users worldwide following the initial roll-out in Korea.
“This makes LG the first mobile phone manufacturer to offer remote maintenance services as a way to diagnose software problems and to distribute software upgrades direct to customers’ phones,” said Mudhune.
He said consumers would no longer need to visit an LG Customer Information Center (CIC) if a problem arises with their smartphones since they can access the remote maintenance services via an instant support system that can also be accessed through a 3G or Wi-Fi network.
“Convenience is what LG is about and remote call services fit our brand character perfectly. LG is therefore leading the way in virtual services and follow-up care for our customers everywhere. Being there for customers from A to Z is a key priority for us,” said Mudhune.
He said that LG’s remote call services are available on premium Optimus smartphones, including the LG Optimus Black and the LG Optimus 3D. With the pre-loaded “Remote Call” application users can diagnose their phone’s problems without having to visit a repair shop.
“Once registered, LG CIC agents will be able to wirelessly access the owner’s Optimums Smartphone. For security purposes, LG technical staff will not be able to access any personal information — including emails, messages, calendars or pictures — without the users’ consent,” Mudhune added.
He said that using the convenient, intelligent LG FOTA system and pre-loaded FOTA application, owners would also receive regular alerts of the most current updates. The system makes it very convenient for customers to keep their phones up-to-date with the latest functions and features without the need to connect to a PC or visit a service center.
Brian Adero