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McAfee Threats Report

The Firewall is turning 25, but has it grown up?

When I turned 25, I saw this as a pretty big milestone in my life. At 25 years old, I felt like a true adult – I was now all grown up. I was educated, employed, experienced and stable....

McAfee Labs: Weaponised legitimate apps on the increase

McAfee Labs has released the McAfee Threats Report: Second Quarter 2013, which found that Android-based malware grew at a rate of 35 percent; a rate not seen since early 2012. This rebound was marked by the continued proliferation of SMS-stealing...

McAfee: “Android hardest hit by malware”

McAfee has released the McAfee Threats Report: Third Quarter 2011, which showed that the Android mobile operating system solidified its lead and the primary target for new mobile malware. The amount of malware targeted at Android devices jumped nearly 37...
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Windows 10 Reaches EOL: Here’s What You Need to Know

As the calendar pages roll, a significant milestone for Microsoft's popular operating system, Windows 10, approaches. Microsoft stated that "starting...
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