Monday, November 11, 2024
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Intellectual Property Rights Act

Digitally Protecting Your Intellectual Property Helps Safeguard Future Business Success

In today’s increasingly knowledge-based economies, intellectual property holds value because of its ability to generate future profits and wealth, as it fuels innovation and growth. Therefore, it is logical that companies need to take precautions to safeguard their intellectual...

How to Use and Monetise Data

Data and data analytics? Big business. We generate a massive amount of information every day, sourced via the Internet of (Every)Thing(s), GPS trackers, fitness wearables, software-as-a-service, web content and social media. This information can be analysed computationally to reveal patterns,...

Tech innovators delve into IP commercial exploits

The Intellectual Property Rights Act has introduced important conditions in South Africa for the commercialisation of Intellectual Property and will impact operations across a number of industries and sectors. A carefully thought-out intellectual property strategy, incorporating full protection of...
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(Sponsored) Breaking News: 1 Simple Passive Income Idea Will Help You Get Rich in 2024

With the craze of cryptocurrency, more and more friends around me have started to get involved in Bitcoin mining....
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