Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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South African companies plagued by cyber-attacks

The speed of technological change is leaving gaping holes in highly sensitive company IT infrastructure. These vulnerabilities are being targeted by cybercriminals at an increasing rate as South Africa is starting to feel the heat from attackers across the...

Looking back at 2014’s cyber threats

In 2014, Kaspersky Lab experts saw considerable growth in the number of malicious attacks on user computers and mobile devices, further development of financial malware and a change in the vectors of web attacks. According to Kaspersky Lab, based on...

Kaspersky reveals security guide to keep data safe

Security experts from Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team share the security measures they use to protect their own communications via email, instant messaging tools, smartphones, and while browsing over computer networks and interacting with the physical world. Following...

88% of Nigerians want laws against cyber attacks

Centrex Ethical Lab, a Nigerian Cyber security firm, carried out a survey on Nigeria’s Internet Users during Cyber Security Awareness Month in September 2013 in collaboration with eCore Techno Solutions India, TechTelling Nigeria - focused on improving online safety...

2013 sees alarming growth in data threats

Kaspersky Lab has presented its review of the landscape of cyber threats. The third quarter of 2013 was a turning point for malware writers specialising in mobile platforms. * In June experts discovered the new Svpeng Trojan, capable of gaining...

Targeted attacks cost up to $2.4 million in damages

A successful targeted attack against a large company can cause damages of up to $2.4 million. This is according to B2B International which, along with Kaspersky Lab, recently conducted the 2013 Global Corporate IT Security Risks survey. Targeted attacks are one of...

23 Business attitudes to IT Security

You are a businessman or an expert responsible for critical decisions related to IT security, but you have a tough schedule. You are hunting for any piece of information that will illuminate the latest trends and facilitate obtaining more...
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Mastering IT Management: An Exclusive Interview with SolarWinds Evangelist Sascha Giese

IT News Africa recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Sascha Giese, a passionate and knowledgeable Technical Evangelist at SolarWinds. Sascha...
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