Trade Conferences International brings industry professionals another informative, interactive and innovative conference on the 03 & 04 October 2018 at the Indaba Hotel, Fourways in Johannesburg.
The BankTech 2018 Southern Africa Conference will address issues regarding challenges, regulations and trends arising from new technologies in the disrupted banking and financial services environment. The use of technology to fight against cybercrime in the banking environment, biometric life-cycle in banking technologies, security integration in the new digital transactions, FinTech, RegTech and intelligent automation are some of the topics which will be broached at BankTech 2018 Southern Africa Conference.
Our high-level speaker panel will include: Era Gunning,Director at ENSafrica; Godfrey Kutumela, Managing Director of GH Security Solutions; Luigi D’Amico, Business Unit Executive at EOH Digital Platoon; Uzayr Jeenah, Associate Principal at McKinsey & Company; Gary Allemann, Managing Director of Master Data Management; Pragashani Reddy, Sector Head, TPS, Corporate and Investment Banking at Standard Bank; Dominique Collett, FinTech Investment Specialist at Rand Merchant Investment; Pierre Aurel, Senior Consultant at Synthesis Software Technologies; Yaron Assabi, CEO at Digital Solution Group; Cobus Mentz, Senior Consultant at Telspace Systems and Ursula Pearson-Williams, Senior Manager Fraud Services at BankserveAfrica.
Xavier Dipedi, Project Manager for Trade Conferences International, said “BankTech 2018 Southern Africa Conference brings over 20 experts speakers who will set the tone by addressing all challenges, innovation, trends, technology and future of banking technologies in the financial services industry. This gathering is an opportunity for organisations to stay updated on the latest technologies disrupting bank and financial services in the digital era. Organisations must take full advantage by registering employees to attend and gain valuable insight from industry leading professional speakers”
Trade Conferences International offers the best platform in Southern Africa for professionals to network with leading industry players working with banking technologies. The BankTech 2018 Southern Africa Conference is the ideal forum for any organisation dealing with biometrics, artificial intelligence and self-services banking, cyber security, IoT whilst contending with fraud, compliance, payments, data, customer engagement, digital-preparedness, regulation and channel management concerns to attend in order to be at the forefront of industry developments.
To find out more about the conference and registration procedures contact the Project Manager, Xavier Dipedi on