Sony Mobile has introduced the Xperia E1, a new Android smartphone that brings Sony’s audio technologies together with display, design, performance and content to create a smartphone independently recognised as the “best smartphone in its class” by Strategy Analytics.
“Xperia E1 combines the best of Sony’s audio technologies with a premium design and great hardware to create a smartphone for people who want to express themselves out loud.” said Calum MacDougall, Director of Xperia Marketing at Sony Mobile Communications.
“It’s a new, music focused player in our Xperia line-up that is underpinned by the best of Sony’s design, display and content offers.”
The Xperia E1 is powered by Qualcomm’s MSM8210 1.2 GHz Dual Core processor, 512 MB RAM and features a 4 inch (233 ppi) display combined with a 1700 mAh battery, and will launch in South Africa towards the end of the first quarter of 2014.
Sony’s Walkman technology hails from more than 30 years of audio experience and Xperia E1 builds on this. Shake-to-shuffle controls and a dedicated “long press to launch” Walkman button ensure that loading and navigating tracks couldn’t be easier, while the latest generation of Sony’s “WALKMAN” App makes short work of combining on and offline music, creating playlists, as well as playing and sharing tracks.
Staff writer