Debby Edelstein, CEO of QualityLife Company, says that the tides of technology are changing with the steady rise of dynamic women in prominent roles within the digital economy. “Globally, women make up over half of social media users and social gamers and a significant number of Computer Science graduates,” she continues.
The question remains whether this trend of women in technology has hit African shores yet.
According to Betty Enyonam Kumahor, Managing Director of ThoughtWorks’ Pan-African region and a speaker at this year’s Wired Women’s Conference, it has.
A trail blazer in agile software development, ThoughtWorks has, for the past two decades, based its global business entirely on innovation.
Kumahor believes that, in Africa, women and the youth are taking on the role of ‘Agents of Change’ through technology and innovation. “It’s an exciting time to be on the Africa continent, and a time of tremendous change”, she says. “Women must get involved in technology and innovation if we are to see the changes we need to see. Remember, us Africans have always been told that ‘women are the backbone of Africa’, and that is no different in the field of technology and innovation.”
The conference is aimed at women who work in the technical industry but also at those who describe themselves as technophobes.
Staff Writer